Workplace Sexual Harassment

If You Believe You May Be A Victim Of Sexual Harassment n The Workplace, Our Law Firm Can Help. El-Hag & Associates Represent Employees Who Have Been Sexual Harassed In The Workplace or retaliated against for saying no to sexual advances of a co-worker or management

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Sexual Harassment

If You believe you are the victim of Workplace Sexual Harassment, contact our law firm to gather evidence and come up with a plan to hold your employer accountable

Sexual Harassment At Work

Speak out if you experience sexual harassment. If you know someone who has experience workplace Sexual Harassment, speak out on their behalf and encourage them to seek legal recource

Sexual Harassment Lawyers

Our NY Lawyers Can Help You File A Complaint With Federal, State, and Local Agencies, and the Courts, if necessary

“El-Hag helped me recover $100,000 in unpaid overtime because the time spent traveling was not paid”


We’ve helped employees just like you recover millions in damages. I can help you too!

Do you think that you might have been a victim of sexual harassment? The labor and employment law firm of El-Hag & Associates, P.C can help you. Our Westchester New York sexual harassment law firm specializes in workplace sexual harassment and hostile work environments. We have recovered millions of dollars for victims of workplace discrimination. We have brought discrimination lawsuits against small businesses and major multinational corporations and have achieved excellent results for our clients.

If you think you might be a victim of workplace sexual harassment, please call us today for a free consultation. We can quickly assess your case and let you know the options available to you. In most cases, it is difficult to prove sexual harassment or a hostile work environment unless there are texts, emails, videos, or other “smoking gun”, which is why it is best to schedule a consultation with our employment and labor law firm and go through the facts, how best to gather evidence to prove your case, and come up with a plan.


Sexual harassment in the workplace is any unwanted and without consent request for sexual favors, workplace physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature, and sexual advances, sexual harassment can include anything from repeated compliments or comments about a person’s appearance to outright sexual assault and battery. Sexual harassment can be a form of gender discrimination, and it can hurt an individual’s career and overall productivity.

Sexual harassment violates federal law under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and applies to employers with 15 or more employees, including local and state governments and educational institutions. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is the federal agency that enforces Title VII and other anti-discrimination laws. The harassing conduct could also violate NY Criminal Law Statutes.

If you believe you have been the victim of sexual harassment at work, contact our experienced labor and employment sexual harassment and hostile work environment attorney to discuss your case. Our attorneys can help you determine whether you have a valid claim and what steps to take to protect your rights and protect yourself legally and emotionally. Gender discrimination for both women and men can be extremely damaging to someone’s career and mental health, and it is unfortunately very common in the workplace.

You must speak up if you believe you have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace. Laws are in place to protect workers from sexual harassment, and you may be able to file a claim against your employer. Our experienced labor and employment law firm can help you understand your rights and options.

There are two key types of sexual harassment

1. Quid Pro Quo sexual harassment in the workplace occurs when an employee is told that if they are not receptive or otherwise agree to a boss’s or authority figure’s sexual advances, they won’t get job opportunities, raises, promotions, or any other employment benefits. An employee cannot be threatened with the loss of their employment if they don’t give in to the sexual advances of another employee, supervisor, or boss. If this type of harassment happens once, it’s illegal.

2. Hostile Work Environment harassment is also a form of sexual harassment as someone at the workplace’s sexual comments or sexual behavior interferes with one’s ability to work and feel safe. It could be a coworker, client, vendor, delivery person, or supervisor, making sexual comments or exhibiting sexual behavior that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe at work. Unlike most other workplace violations, if this is the type of sexual harassment that you are being subjected to you don’t need to prove it happened over a period of time or multiple times.

Examples Of Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

  • Unwelcome sexual advances that make working conditions intolerable to the individual beeding target
  • Sexual Assault, unwanted sexual contact, including fondling, groping, and rape which are the most serious and violations of criminal law
  • Forcing an employee to have sex against their will through sexual coercion by a supervisor exercising their power. This can include threats of negative job consequences or job loss
  • Harassment such as intimidating sexual comments, gestures, and jokes harassing or intimidating the employee being targeted
  • Sexual Intimidation by a manager or co-employee making repeated unwanted sexual advances in an offensive and threating way

What Is Not Sexual Harassment or a Hostile Workplace

It is not sexual harassment when people in the workplace make petty slights, that are generally annoying, or make isolated sexual, discriminatory, or derogatory remarks (unless extremely serious) towards you. To be unlawful, the conduct must create a work environment that would be intimidating, hostile, or offensive to reasonable people

Sexual harassment in the workplace. Sexual harassment does not require that you be a member of a protected class, however sexual harassment is most prevalent towards protected classes such as gender and sexual orientation.

Our NY Sexual Harassment Hostile Work Environment Law Firm Will Fight To Get Your Money

If You Believe Your Employer His Creating a Hostile Work Environment through Sexual Harassment We Can Help You Recover What Is Rightfully Yours

  • No upfront fees or retainers – we get paid only if YOU get paid.
  • ​8 in 10 clients recover tens of thousands, and 2 in 10 can recover life changing amounts.
  • Generally takes 4 – 9 months from start to money-in-your-pocket.
  • Our workplace gender discrimination lawyers will know how to best collect evidence to prove your case and build a strong argument.
  •  Our experienced sexual harassment attorneys can negotiate on your behalf to get you the best possible outcome.
  • Our sexual harassment hostile work environment lawyers can help you file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which is the federal agency that handles Gender discrimination claims, and The New York State Division of Human Rights, Department of Labor, and other relevant agencies and bring your case to court which is unnecessary in most cases.
  • Protection from revenge – your boss can’t fire you, change your hours or mess with your work environment, or further harass you due to your sexual harassment and hostile work environment claims against them – your boss can’t fire you, change your hours or mess with your work environment due to your sexual harassment claim.
  •  You can recover money from any company you worked for in the past three years for sexual harassment.
  • We’ll do all the hard work to get you your Money. You just need to give us the details. You (usually) won’t even have to show up. 
  • You can get your job back or front pay instead of getting your job back so you have money in your pocket while you look for another job.
  • Hiring our experienced NY workplace sexual harassment law firm gives you the best chance of recovering the money that you deserve. Our sexual harassment law firm gives you the best chance of recovering the compensation that you deserve.

Case Results


recovered $160,000 in severance pay and left work on his own terms.


recovered $60,000 when her employer denied her leave for her disabled child (3 years pay)!


recovered $50,000 for losing his job after his boss made racists comments!


recovered $25,000 in unpaid overtime because her boss incorrectly treated her as not entitled to overtime under the law as a salaried office worker.



recovered $45,000 as a deli worker because he worked more than 40 hours a week without overtime pay. The boss paid him off the books without paying him any overtime and we recovered an extra $10,000 in penalties.

Client Reviews

How We Help You Get the Compensation That You Deserve For Your Workplace Gender Discrimination Case In Just 4-9 Months

Don’t Let Your Employer Intimidate You

From Being Compensated For The Gender Discrimination in the Workplace That You Were Subjected To By Threatening Or Scaring You Into Inaction

  • You can sue any company you worked for in the past three years. It does not have to be a company at which you are currently working.
  • ​Attorney-Client Privilege- We CANNOT tell anyone about your case unless you ask us to. Your call is 100% confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege.
  • The law protects you. The law prevents retaliation. You can collect unpaid wages and benefits, and penalties, demand your job back, and even demand front pay (money to cover you for the time it would take to find new work.
  • Attack only when you’re comfortable. We only move forward when you are ready. There is no pressure to start. You can have your workplace sexual harassment evaluation, come up with a strategy, collect evidence, and begin when you are ready.

Why you should not wait to take action

There are many reasons why you need to act fast before you lose your chance to collect your money.

  • The Company can go out of business.
  • ​You can run out of time to bring a lawsuit
  • The company can be sold or transferred.
  • Someone else could sue and complicate your chance of collecting your wages
  • The company could file for bankruptcy
  • The owner could die

How can I sue my employer for sexual harassment?

There are 3 ways that you can file a sexual harassment and hostile work environment lawsuit against your employer in New York. You need to decide what avenue you are going to take and give it careful thought because generally once you choose one option, you cannot change your mind and pursue another option. This is known as “election of remedies”. If you were sexually physically assaulted or touched such conduct by the individual directed toward you could also be criminal in nature.

The 3 main ways to bring the lawsuit are:

1) File a lawsuit directly in New York State Supreme Court.
You can file a lawsuit against your employer under the New York State Human Rights Law. You have three years from the time the sexual harassment occurred.
2) File a charge with the EEOC, NY Division of Human Rights (NYDHR) or another local agency.

You can file a charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) (Federal), NYS Division of Human Rights (State), or local agency (E.g. Westchester County). When you file with the NYS Division of Human Rights, the Division will dual file your charge with the EEOC and the cases will be investigated at the same time. If the agencies find that your claim has merit they will issue a probable cause finding and you can then have an administrative hearing to decide your case.

3) File a charge with the EEOC and NY Division of Human Rights, and then à file a lawsuit in Federal Court.

If you file you charges with the EEOC and NYDHR, you can choose to file a lawsuit in Federal Court if you do not want to proceed with these agencies. Once you obtain a right to sue letter from the EEOC, you have a limited time to file a lawsuit in Federal Court to pursue your lawsuit.

Client Reviews

Why clients prefer El-Hag Law

Millions in unpaid wages on behalf of individual clients

Although we have litigated class action lawsuits, nothing makes us happier than handing an individual a check for tens of thousands of dollars. It’s a life-changing experience for most of our clients. That is why we focus on helping the most underserved people and take on the most challenging to win cases. We know how to win these cases and are not afraid to fight on our clients' behalf.

Experience representing employees on an individual or class action basis

Did you know that you could end up receiving less as being part of a class-action lawsuit instead of litigating your case individually? We have handled numerous cases where there are multiple clients, and we know when it would benefit our clients to be part of a class action or not. Generally, class actions benefit the lawyers more than the clients, and we will never put our interest before yours. We always keep our current clients' interests at the forefront of our decisions. Because we have experience handling class action lawsuits and individual lawsuits, we can help you make the right decision for your case.

Will take your case to trial if necessary

The truth is that most lawsuits settle. Many attorneys have no experience going to trial. However, we will. And because we will bring it to trial, we can get better settlements for our clients because other firms know we will go the distance.

Your case is handled by the same person from start to finish

How would you like it if the person who handles your trial is not the person who had all the experience of putting your case together from the beginning? Some law firms will have different people working on different parts of the case to make the firm more efficient. However, in the process, things can fall through the cracks. Not with us. One person handles your case from start to finish, so the representative is personally familiar with all people and facts.

There is an art to winning a lawsuit. How can a person know how a witness will behave at trial if they had no interaction with the witness before the trial date? It's impossible to be effective. These are the kinds of things most people do not know to ask when they are evaluating lawyers. But because we need to win your case to get paid, we make sure that your case does not fall through the cracks.

We care about you and your case

We don't nickel and dime clients for 1-minute phone calls. We put in the time to build relationships and educate our clients. We know this is a scary process for most people. Every client who has walked through our door has never been in a lawsuit before. We want to make sure you are comfortable and educated on what is going on with your case. We provide you with the right information to make educated decisions about your case. It takes time to build strong relationships, and we are happy to put in the time for you.

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