Workplace Union Formation 

Unions give workers the collective power to negotiate better wages and working conditions. This power is often used to win better pay and benefits for workers, such as health insurance and retirement benefits. Unions also work to protect workers’ rights by fighting for policies that ensure all employees are treated fairly.

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Employee Unions

The process of forming a union where you work is complicated. But we can help walk you through the process at no cost. Until you secure better working conditions guaranteed in writing that you and your coworkers approve, you do not pay one penny for the representation that we provide. If we do not deliver, then you do not pay!

Why an employee union?

The benefits include better wages and working conditions, representation on important workplace decisions, and the ability to negotiate better wages and benefits for all workers in the union.

Union Formation Lawyers NY

Our lawyers advise workers regarding what some of the legal implications and options in forming a union in the workplace. Find out more about how you can start forming a union in your workplace today.

“El-Hag helped me recover $100,000 in unpaid overtime because the time spent traveling was not paid”


Workplace Union Formation Labor & Employment Lawyers
  • We only represent employees and workers in forming a job union. We do not represent businesses.
  • We Will Fight to Get Help You Establish a Union in Your Workplace
  • Get a Free Confidential Consultation
  • No upfront fees or retainers –
    we get paid only if You are Successful In forming your union.
  • ​8 in 10 clients recover tens of thousands
    and 2 in 10 can recover life changing amounts.

Workplace Union Formation Lawyer

We’ve helped employees just like you recover millions in damages. We can help you too!

In an economy where the cost of living is constantly rising, many workers seek ways to secure better pay and benefits. One solution they may be considering is union formation. While this process can be daunting and time-consuming the benefits are many. The benefits include better wages and working conditions, representation on important workplace decisions, and the ability to negotiate better wages and benefits for all workers in the union. Unions also provide a platform for workers to come together and voice their concerns and raise awareness about their rights. If you are interested in forming a union in your workplace, the Union formation law firm of El-Hag & Associates, PC can help.

Unions give workers the collective power to negotiate better wages and working conditions. This power is often used to win better pay and benefits for workers, such as health insurance and retirement benefits. Unions also work to protect workers’ rights by fighting for policies that ensure all employees are treated fairly. In addition, unions often provide training and education opportunities for their members. This helps employees understand their rights and how to advocate for themselves in the workplace.

If you don’t have legal representation where you work, you aren’t being paid as much as you can from your job. Lawyers never guarantee anything, but I can almost guarantee that if you work in a company and you are not represented by a labor union, then your employer is not paying you as much as possible. Jordan El-Hag, Esq. has helped thousands of employees go through the process of forming a union where they work. Over the past 16 years, after personally managing over 100 union organizing campaigns, there has never been a situation where employees have not improved their working conditions after securing legal representation in their workplace.

If there is one piece of legal advice, I could get my clients to take, it would be to form a union where you work. Unfortunately, this is the most underutilized law and one of the least understood by employment attorneys.

What is a Union?

Westchester N.Y. Labor & Employment Lawyer –Unions ensure that groups of workers receive certain basic rights in the workplace, such as fair wages, benefits, and reasonable working conditions. Unions also balance the power between employer and employee for the purpose of protection and a positive work environment. If you and your coworkers want to form a union, certain steps must be taken. If you and your coworkers want to form a union, you should take the following steps:

What Does an Employees Union Do?

  • Collectively bargain for better wages
  • Safer work conditions
  • ​Unions also help ensure that workers are treated fairly, and their rights are protected
  • Ensure that workers have a voice and can protect their rights
  • Have a voice in how their workplace is organized and operated
  • Hold their employer accountable for safety violations and ensure safety standards are met

Case Results


recovered $160,000 in severance pay and left work on his own terms.


recovered $60,000 when her employer denied her leave for her disabled child (3 years pay)!


recovered $50,000 for losing his job after his boss made racists comments!


recovered $25,000 in unpaid overtime because her boss incorrectly treated her as not entitled to overtime under the law as a salaried office worker.



recovered $45,000 as a deli worker because he worked more than 40 hours a week without overtime pay. The boss paid him off the books without paying him any overtime and we recovered an extra $10,000 in penalties.

Client Reviews

Don’t Let Your Employer Intimidate You From Forming a Union By Threatening Or Scaring You Into Inaction


  • Your Employer can be forced to Deal with You with any sort of retaliation

  • The law protects you. The law prevents retaliation. You can collect unpaid wages and benefits, and penalties, demand your job back, and even demand front pay (money to cover you for the time it would take to find new work
  • Attorney-Client Privilege- We CANNOT tell anyone about your union Forming consideration unless you ask us to. Your call is 100% confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege.
  • Attack only when you’re comfortable. We only move forward when you are ready. There is no pressure to start. You can develop a strategy with our help and begin when when you are ready.

How we help you recover your
unpaid wages in just 4-9 months

Client Reviews

Why clients prefer El-Hag Law

Millions in unpaid wages on behalf of individual clients

Although we have litigated class action lawsuits, nothing makes us happier than handing an individual a check for tens of thousands of dollars. It’s a life-changing experience for most of our clients. That is why we focus on helping the most underserved people and take on the most challenging to win cases. We know how to win these cases and are not afraid to fight on our clients' behalf.

Experience representing employees on an individual or class action basis

Did you know that you could end up receiving less as being part of a class-action lawsuit instead of litigating your case individually? We have handled numerous cases where there are multiple clients, and we know when it would benefit our clients to be part of a class action or not. Generally, class actions benefit the lawyers more than the clients, and we will never put our interest before yours. We always keep our current clients' interests at the forefront of our decisions. Because we have experience handling class action lawsuits and individual lawsuits, we can help you make the right decision for your case.

Will take your case to trial if necessary

The truth is that most lawsuits settle. Many attorneys have no experience going to trial. However, we will. And because we will bring it to trial, we can get better settlements for our clients because other firms know we will go the distance.

Your case is handled by the same person from start to finish

How would you like it if the person who handles your trial is not the person who had all the experience of putting your case together from the beginning? Some law firms will have different people working on different parts of the case to make the firm more efficient. However, in the process, things can fall through the cracks. Not with us. One person handles your case from start to finish, so the representative is personally familiar with all people and facts.

There is an art to winning a lawsuit. How can a person know how a witness will behave at trial if they had no interaction with the witness before the trial date? It's impossible to be effective. These are the kinds of things most people do not know to ask when they are evaluating lawyers. But because we need to win your case to get paid, we make sure that your case does not fall through the cracks.

We care about you and your case

We don't nickel and dime clients for 1-minute phone calls. We put in the time to build relationships and educate our clients. We know this is a scary process for most people. Every client who has walked through our door has never been in a lawsuit before. We want to make sure you are comfortable and educated on what is going on with your case. We provide you with the right information to make educated decisions about your case. It takes time to build strong relationships, and we are happy to put in the time for you.

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