Unpaid Overtime Labor & Employment Lawyers

If you’ve been the victim of Unpaid Overtime or Overtime Wage Theft? Our law firm can help. We represent employees who have been the victims of Unpaid Overtime Wages & Overtime Wage Theft in NY

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Unpaid Overtime Wages

When someone is fired from their job, a common question that comes up is whether or not they are entitled to the commissions they were promised. Call us to learn your rights

Fair Labor Standards Act

The FLSA sets the regulations when it comes to the overtime wage an employee must be paid. Our lawyers are experts in using the FSLA to hold employers who don’t properly pay overtime wages accountable

Minimum Wages Lawyers

Our lawyers advise unpaid Minimum Wages victims what are some of the legal implications and options for finding a solution? Find out more about what you can do if you’re owed Unpaid Overtime Wages

“El-Hag helped me recover $100,000 in unpaid overtime because the time spent traveling was not paid”


We’ve helped employees just like you recover millions in damages. I can help you too!

El-Hag & Associates, P.C is a labor & employment law firm that fights for employees, workers, and freelancers who are owed overtime wages or are the victims of Overtime Wage Theft. Often workers not familiar with Federal, State, and Local time work Laws, do not realize that they may be owed overtime wages sometimes due to overtime wage theft by the employer.  Because of this, our goal as an employee overtime wage theft labor and employment law firm, is to educate and empower every working person in Westchester County New York, New York City, and the surrounding areas to learn whether they are victims of unpaid overtime wages now, or how to protect themselves, so they are never taken advantage of by their employer. We will educate you about your overtime earning rights at work and create a comprehensive legal strategy and plan to address your Unpaid overtime wages or employer overtime wage theft legal needs. We guarantee a relationship of ongoing trust, transparency, and communication in dealing with your unpaid overtime wage legal issues. If you feel you have been paid incorrectly with respect to overtime or otherwise, treated unfairly in the workplace, or wrongly terminated, call El-Hag & Associates, P.C- a Westchester New York labor & employment law firm and we will fight for you.

Are you an hourly, salaried, or tipped worker?

You might be owed tens of thousands of dollars in lost wages, emotional distress, and other damages and not even know it!

Usually, an employer will withhold your last paycheck or commissions, and make certain deductions from your last paycheck for bogus expenses. Your employer must provide you with your last paycheck on payday immediately following your last day of employment. And your employer cannot deduct money from your wages without your express authorization and only for benefits provided through the job. Often, the employer feels it is only one paycheck, so it is not enough for an attorney to take the case. Do not feel this way; if your boss does not pay you your last paycheck, you have rights, and El-Hag & Associates, P.C can get you the money you are owed.
You MUST: (1) be paid at least the N.Y State Minimum Wage for all hours worked and (2) be paid overtime for all time worked over 40 hours in a workweek. However, when employees are paid by the day, they are often not paid the minimum wage or overtime because they and their bosses do not keep track of the hours the employee works in the week. The law requires your income to be calculated weekly.


If you have earned overtime pay and have not been paid the proper wages. New York law firm, El-Hag & Associates, PC, represents workers and employees who have not been paid their overtime wages. El-Hag & Associates, PC., will fight to get you the money you are owed.

What is the NY overtime law?
The New York overtime law protects workers who have not been paid their overtime wages. You may be entitled to get you if you believe you have not been paid your overtime wages. The experienced attorneys at our firm can help you determine if you have a claim and fight for the compensation you deserve.


There are a few exceptions to the New York overtime law, including executive, administrative, and professional employees, outside salespeople, and certain computer professionals. Other exceptions to the overtime law include volunteers, independent contractors, and students working in specific educational programs.


CALL US!!  Take a few minutes and call El-Hag & Associates, P.C, and we will be happy to perform a free pay analysis for you. The only other way is for you to research the overtime exemptions and make a judgment call about your employer’s pay practices. This is one of the most common ways employers steal wages. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call us.

The New York overtime law requires employers to pay employees 1.5 times their regular hourly rate for any work done over 40 hours a week. However, there are several exceptions to this rule. For example, salaried employees, may not be entitled to overtime pay. Additionally, some jobs are exempt from overtime law, such as certain types of professional and managerial positions. If you believe that you earned unpaid overtime pay you should speak to our lawyers for a free consultation.


If you believe your employer has not paid you the overtime wages you have earned, you can file a claim with the New York State Department of Labor. The Department of Labor will investigate your claim, and if they find that your employer has violated the law, they will order your employer to pay you the wages you are owed.

In addition to Department of Labor Claims, you can still bring a private lawsuit against your employer for unpaid overtime wages. You may be awarded back pay, plus interest and attorneys’ fees if you win your case.

If you are thinking about filing a claim for unpaid overtime wages, you should speak with an experienced labor & employment lawyer at the El-Hag Law Firm, to learn more about your rights and how to protect them best.


If you think you may have been a victim of wage theft and haven’t been paid the overtime wages you are owed, it’s essential to act quickly. There are deadlines for filing an unpaid overtime claim in New York, and if you wait too long you will lose the opportunity to recover the money you are owed.

The first step is to contact an experienced attorney who can help you understand your rights and assess your unpaid overtime case. We will also be able to tell you what deadlines apply to your situation.

Don’t wait too long to file your claim – act now to get the overtime wages you deserve!

If you are not paid your overtime wages in NY, you may be able to get help from a NY law firm. The lawyers at such a firm may be able to help you recover the unpaid wages, as well as any other damages that may be available to you under the law.


If you believe you have not been paid your overtime wages, it is crucial to seek legal help. The experienced employment attorneys at our NY law firm can help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. We understand the laws governing overtime pay and will fight tirelessly to get you the money you are owed. Contact us today for a free consultation.

How Wage Theft occurs by not being paid for all hours worked

Often, an employee is not paid for all the time they are required to be on/at the job. This usually happens in three situations:

  • Reporting to work first thing in the morning. You must be paid if your employer requires you to show up at a certain time. Often, the employer will require that you show up for work but will not let you punch in until the work is ready to be performed. This is an unlawful practice. Once you report to the job, you must be paid if your boss told you to report at that time.
  • Working through lunch. If your employer requires you to work through lunch, then your employer cannot deduct any lunchtime from your pay. Sometimes an employer will automatically deduct 30 minutes for lunch from your paycheck for each day you worked even if you did not take a lunch break. Do not allow this to happen. If your boss knows you work through lunch, you must be paid for that time.
  • Finishing the workday. Sometimes an employer will ask you to do some more work after you have punched off the clock. If you are being asked to work after you punched out, you need to keep track of the time to ensure you are getting your overtime and pay for all time you provided services to your employer.

How Overtime Wage Theft occurs when you leave your job

Usually, an employer will withhold your last paycheck or make certain deductions from your last paycheck for bogus expenses. Your employer must provide you with your last paycheck on payday immediately following your last day of employment.  And your employer cannot deduct money from your wages without your express authorization and only for benefits provided through the job. Often, the employer feels it is only one paycheck, so it is not enough for an attorney to take the case. Do not feel this way; if your boss does not pay you your last paycheck, you have rights, and El-Hag & Associates, P.C can get you the money you are owed.

Our NY Unpaid Wages Law Firm Will Fight To Get Your Money

If you believe your employer has stolen wages from you, our wage theft lawyers can help you recover what is rightfully yours.

  • No upfront fees or retainers – we get paid only if YOU get paid
    ​You could get DOUBLE your unpaid wages in penalties and damages
  • ​8 in 10 clients recover tens of thousands, and 2 in 10 can recover life changing amounts.
  • Generally takes 4 – 9 months from start to money-in-your-pocket
  • Our Unpaid wages lawyers will know how to best collect evidence to prove your case and build a strong argument.
  • Our experienced unpaid wages attorneys can negotiate on your behalf to get you the best possible outcome.
  • Our wage theft lawyers can help you file a claim with the Department of Labor or take your case to court. (Which is unnecessary in most cases)
  • Protection from revenge – your boss can’t fire you, change your hours or mess with your work environment due to your Unpaid Wages or Wage Theft Claim
  • ​You can recover from any company you worked for in the past six years for unpaid wages.
  • We’ll do all the hard work to get you your Money. You just need to give me the details. You (usually) won’t even have to show up
  • You can get your job back or front pay instead of getting your job back so you have money in your pocket while you look for another job.
  • Hiring our experienced NY wage theft law firm gives you the best chance of recovering the wages that were stolen from you.

Case Results


recovered $160,000 in severance pay and left work on his own terms.


recovered $60,000 when her employer denied her leave for her disabled child (3 years pay)!


recovered $50,000 for losing his job after his boss made racists comments!


recovered $25,000 in unpaid overtime because her boss incorrectly treated her as not entitled to overtime under the law as a salaried office worker.



recovered $45,000 as a deli worker because he worked more than 40 hours a week without overtime pay. The boss paid him off the books without paying him any overtime and we recovered an extra $10,000 in penalties.

Client Reviews

Were your Overtime wages stolen?

Here are the most common tricks business owners use to steal employee wages:

  • Calling you an independent contractor when you are not an independent contractor.

  • Telling you that you are not entitled to overtime pay when you work over 40 hours in a workweek.

  • Paying by day or by the project instead of by the hour.
  • Forcing you to work outside standard hours without counting the hours worked.
  • Not paying tipped workers an hourly wage in addition to tips.
  • Deducting time from your pay like breaks and lunch periods when you did not take a break or lunch period.

What are the most common jobs in which Overtime wage theft occurs?

Hospitality and service workers

Hospitality & Service Workers

Restaurants, Bars, Hotels, Casinos, Clubs, Exotic Dancers, and Similar Establishments

Personal services providers<br />

Inside sales-people

ISR – Inbound Sales Rep, LDR – Lead Development Rep, LRR – Lead Response Rep, MQR – Marketing Qualification Rep, MRR – Market Response Rep, SDR – Sales Development Rep, BDR – Business Development Rep, ADR – Account Development Rep

Personal services providers<br />

Personal services providers

Barbershops, Nail Salons, Childcare, Cleaning Companies, Animal Care and Service Workers, Barbers, Hairdressers & Cosmetologists, Childcare Workers, Fitness Trainers & Instructors, Gaming Services Workers, Home Health Aides, & Personal Care Aides, Manicurists & Pedicurists
Hospitality and service workers

Most retail workers

Most Retil Workers including Cashier, Sales Associate, Store Manager, Buyer, Visual Merchandiser, Advertising & Marketing Manager, Cleaning & Maintenance, Security Guard
Personal services providers<br />

Office workers an low-level management

Accounts payable clerk, Customer service representative, Data-entry clerk, CAD technician, Executive Assistant, Office Manager.Scheduler.
Personal services providers<br />

Most janitorial employee

Janitorial, Custodial & Cleaning Services People
Hospitality and service workers

Most construction employees

Construction Employees, laborer, helper

How we help you recover your
unpaid wages in just 4-9 months

Let our Overtime Pay & Wage Theft Law Firm Fight for You

Don’t let your employer keep your hard-earned Overtime Work money by threatening or scaring you into inaction.

  • You can sue any company you worked for in the past six years. It does not have to be a company at which you are currently working.
  • ​Attorney-Client Privilege- We CANNOT tell anyone about your case unless you ask us to. Your call is 100% confidential and protected by the attorney-client privilege.
  • The law protects you. The law prevents retaliation. You can collect lost wages and benefits, penalties, demand your job back, and even demand front pay (money to cover you for the time it would take to find new work).
  • Attack only when you’re comfortable. We only move forward when you are ready. There is no pressure to start. You can have your free wage evaluation, come up with a strategy, collect evidence, and begin when you are ready.

Why you should not wait to take action

There are many reasons why you need to act fast before you lose your chance to collect your money.

  • The Company can go out of business.
  • ​You can run out of time to bring a lawsuit
  • The company can be sold or transferred.
  • Someone else could sue and complicate your chance of collecting your wages
  • The company could file for bankruptcy
  • The owner could die

Client Reviews

Why clients prefer El-Hag Law

Millions in unpaid wages on behalf of individual clients

Although we have litigated class action lawsuits, nothing makes us happier than handing an individual a check for tens of thousands of dollars. It’s a life-changing experience for most of our clients. That is why we focus on helping the most underserved people and take on the most challenging to win cases. We know how to win these cases and are not afraid to fight on our clients' behalf.

Experience representing employees on an individual or class action basis

Did you know that you could end up receiving less as being part of a class-action lawsuit instead of litigating your case individually? We have handled numerous cases where there are multiple clients, and we know when it would benefit our clients to be part of a class action or not. Generally, class actions benefit the lawyers more than the clients, and we will never put our interest before yours. We always keep our current clients' interests at the forefront of our decisions. Because we have experience handling class action lawsuits and individual lawsuits, we can help you make the right decision for your case.

Will take your case to trial if necessary

The truth is that most lawsuits settle. Many attorneys have no experience going to trial. However, we will. And because we will bring it to trial, we can get better settlements for our clients because other firms know we will go the distance.

Your case is handled by the same person from start to finish

How would you like it if the person who handles your trial is not the person who had all the experience of putting your case together from the beginning? Some law firms will have different people working on different parts of the case to make the firm more efficient. However, in the process, things can fall through the cracks. Not with us. One person handles your case from start to finish, so the representative is personally familiar with all people and facts.

There is an art to winning a lawsuit. How can a person know how a witness will behave at trial if they had no interaction with the witness before the trial date? It's impossible to be effective. These are the kinds of things most people do not know to ask when they are evaluating lawyers. But because we need to win your case to get paid, we make sure that your case does not fall through the cracks.

We care about you and your case

We don't nickel and dime clients for 1-minute phone calls. We put in the time to build relationships and educate our clients. We know this is a scary process for most people. Every client who has walked through our door has never been in a lawsuit before. We want to make sure you are comfortable and educated on what is going on with your case. We provide you with the right information to make educated decisions about your case. It takes time to build strong relationships, and we are happy to put in the time for you.


Company lied by saying employees should not be paid for travel time because they only used the construction headquarters for commuting.


Hired a private detective to video tape the construction yard in the mornings to show that the workday began when employees arrived to work.


We secured for our client one of the largest single-person wage recoveries that the Judge had seen in his career!


Company tried to not pay our client who worked in an office overtime by claiming she was an exempt administrative employee and sales person.


We got the business owner to lie under oath, and then showed the court the evidence of our client working at the restaurant. Subjecting the company owner to perjury charges.


Our client secured $35,000 and was able to start a restaurant of his own with his family using the settlement money.


Company tried to not pay our client who worked in an office overtime by claiming she was an exempt administrative employee and sales person.


We threatened to bring a class action lawsuit against the company because they misclassified all the workers in the same position, and we were able to negotiate a premium settlement for our client.


We secured our client $50,000 and she landed a new job the next week. She was able to buy a new car for commuting and put money into her retirement savings account.

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